Why the future is dictated by Computer Science and how can you get ahead?

Why the future is dictated by Computer Science and how can you get ahead? 

What is it about computer science that excites me?

Technology is everywhere in the modern world and continues to develop at an astonishing rate. Coding already plays a key part in this technological evolution and will become increasingly important. Learning to code will give you the tools you need to go on and be part of shaping the future by solving real world problems. Using technology to tackle seemingly impossible challenges is incredibly exciting, particularly in the fields of AI, Medicine and Biology. In the future Computer Science will be used for automation and creating better platforms for people to interact with the world around them.


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How will studying this help you in your life?

The problem solving skills and analytical framework that comes with programming and computer science is exciting and challenging at the same time. Coding can help you improve your logical thinking skills by allowing you to see problems from a new perspective. Complex coding starts with smaller tasks and by breaking down the complex task and adopting a methodological way of thinking. Even through I have a Degree in Applied Computing from the UK, I find the principles behind writing code to help in solving other real world problems that exists. It unlocks completely different neural pathways in your brain.

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Studying computing for anyone can play a useful role even in fields such as medicine and can act as a strong foundation for any other pathways you decide to take forward. Learning coding and programming languages will provide you with numerous benefits and career opportunities. If you’re looking to get started on your journey to code or to launch a career in Computer Programming, check out the Discover Learning Tutors website for more information. Our Coding teachers are from the UK and highly qualified, ready to make a difference to your child’s educational development.

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